Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability

Corporate stustainability

Sustainable Development

The board ofdirectors (“the Board”) bears the primary responsibilities for formulatinglong-term environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) strategies of the Group.Through ensuring adequate internal control and risk management systems are inplace to address relevant ESG issues, significant sustainability risks andopportunities could be identified and managed, thus enhancing the Group’sbusiness resilience to this rapid changing world and environment. The Boardalso drives appropriate measures in overseeing and reviewing the implementationprogress of the ESG-related targets and policies. With a robust and effectiveESG governance, the Group believes that its long-term business sustainabilitycan be facilitated and the expectations from its stakeholders could beaddressed.

Long Term Value

TheGroup understands that the success of achieving its sustainability vision andpurpose is intrinsically linked to its stakeholders, including employees,customers, investors, suppliers, regulators, and the local community. One ofthe Group’s core missions is to create long-term value forits stakeholders, we thereby striving to identify material issues that affectthe sustainability of the Group’s business.

Piversified Communication Channels

In 2021, the Group continued to maintain an open dialogue with its stakeholders through diversified communication channels such as staff briefing sessions, customer service channels, Annual General Meetings (AGM), regular supplier reviews, and community engagement activities. These communication channels enabled the Group to gain a more comprehensive understanding on ESG-related matters and thus improving the alignment between business development and sustainability strategy. Thanks to regular communication and interaction with both internal and external stakeholders, the Group can better identify and prioritise the ESG issues, therefore maintaining a balance between its business practices and sustainability while addressing stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

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